Monday, June 14, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

The lyrics from "Annie" keep running through my mind. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, the sun'll come out tomorrow". Tuesday is Election Day and personally, I have a headache.

When voters go to the polls to vote on the referendum concerning the sale of Trenton Water Company outlying pipelines and they vote no, there is not going to be a dramatic difference in the state of the city by the end of the week.

Tony Mack is on record as hoping you vote no. I talked to him for about twenty minutes on this subject and, although he finally admitted that unpleasant steps would have to be taken, he thought that there was "millions" of income that would be there if we kept the present business intact. I told him that "if your trucking business lost thirty percent of your income and you had to cut back what would you do..." I admit that I almost put words in his mouth but he admitted, "sell trucks." Yeah. Tony. You would sell assets just like Mayor Palmer tried to do and reorganize.

Now Manny Segura on the other hand, and I thought he would be in favor of the proposed sale of assets because he originally voted yes in Council, is now vehemently opposed to the sale. Several of the original sale opponents are now on his wagon.

I think both candidates have knuckled under to the outcry and protests of the activists who were incensed that Mayor Palmer was selling something without full disclosure.

I want to point out that the opponents insisted the "Trenton Water Company was going to be sold". Well that was not exactly the case either. In fact, we did not find out that the only items for sale were the aging outlying pipelines of Ewing and Hamilton until we visited with Mayoral Candidate Paul Pintella at the Pellettieri Meet and Greet in April. So both sides were fibbing for the sake of making their point.

So right now I have a lack of confidence in both candidates ability to make their points. Is the sale of the outlying pipelines to raise cash a good thing? Or is the sale of the outlying pipelines a scheme to gut the city of a significant source of profit?

This city is on the brink of bankruptcy. I have told both candidates that I fear a takeover by the Governor because we just do not have a handle on our own affairs. I also fear that if the Governor comes in, a Federal Trustee will decide to bless the American Water Company with our whole shebang and we will kiss off The Trenton Water Company, water rights to the Delaware, and any future hope of expansion in a positive way. The Governor has appointed the hopeful purchaser of our water company assets to one of his pet projects, "Choose New Jersey". I feel, pardon me, Governor, that we have to acknowledge that there may be an elephant in the room.

It may be that we just can't get anything right.

Don't forget to vote.

Trenton rocks.

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