Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Transportation Needs for Seniors

The population of senior and disabled residents in the Trenton and Mercer County area is growing. We are many but of one voice. We are reaching out to the new Mayor of Trenton to address one of the quality of life issues that impacts us, that of transportation availability.

Presently we are told that the City of Trenton has two jitneys that transport seniors. There are 13 nutrition sites but only two drivers with no "floater" to cover in case of illness. A 9am pickup for lunch can result in returning home at 5pm.

The jitney cannot take wheelchair citizens. This affects many people who would like to participate and enjoy a healthy meal once a day. Recently we found that our rollator walkers could not get on the vans. Folks who were enjoying increased mobility were brought up short.

Much of the elder community gave up driving privileges to move into affordable housing. Now they need to get to doctor appointments, Senior Centers, visit friends or just shopping. This is also a barrier to any kind of volunteer or job opportunity to enable these energetic and talented people to contribute to their community.

NJ Transit routes are limited and may be blocks from the desired destination, making it impractical for handicap use. Taxi cabs cannot take wheelchair riders. Most seniors do not meet Access Link guidelines as the application process is difficult. Mercer County TRADE only picks up in the morning and ends at 4pm. If your doctor's appointment is with a surgeon who schedules you for 4:30pm when he comes into his office, TRADE will not give you a ride. TRADE is open five days a week and closed weekends and holidays, although they will transport anywhere in Mercer County. As a result, there is a segment here in our city that needs transportation.

For those seniors who still drive, but use canes or walkers, there is a real challenge to find parking close to your desired destination. We would like a representative of our community to be included in consideration of parking needs and administration in this city. There is much to be done, but we can pull it out by working together.

Trenton rocks.

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